Convenience delivery startup Asap goes live in London

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Asap has entered the booming q-commerce space.


The startup is currently delivering across London, with new locations being added on a regular basis.

Products are distributed from its micro-fulfilment centres, and drivers use electric vehicles and bicycles.

Asap was co-founded by French born couple Alexandra Journeau and Romain Carrot last summer in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The venture is funded, they told RTIH, although they were unable to disclose any further information.

“We believe that having access to a great selection of convenience products at your fingertips shouldn’t only be the privilege of a happy few living inside city centres,” says Journeau.

“Our goal for the future is to bridge the accessibility gap, from both a geo-coverage and a social point of view, convinced that unifying consumption habits is the way to unify society and contribute to general happiness.”

“Staying home is the new going out,” adds Carrot. “We now see people ordering for entertaining reasons, on top of their weekly online grocery shopping, and it’s very likely to stay that way.”

Asap is providing a range of products, from snacks to board games, focusing on occasions such as movie nights and baking sessions.

“We are going back to the true definition of convenience: “it saves the day, is easy to use and makes life comfortable”. I think this last part has been ignored for too long,” says Carrot.

“That’s why we’re challenging the status quo of the market mostly focused on grocery top-ups, by specialising in comfort and spontaneous experiences. It’s the whole concept of living in the moment.”

Journeau concludes: “We are more focused on the consistency of our delivery times rather than overpromising something not sustainable on the long run. At the end of the day, what matters are the offer and the reliability of the service.”

“As lockdown eases, everybody is waiting for going back to social activities, and with our Convenience 2.0 service, we are ready to fulfil the demand, always with a smile.”

Convenience delivery startup Asap goes live in London Related Video:

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